Mother Child Dog Very Low Rez copy

by Carrie Thomas Scott, LCPC, Simplicity Parenting Family Life Coach

We recently had 3 Snow Days…

Days you imagine being filled with sledding, baking cookies, board games, etc.

In actuality, they are really a lot of work- shoveling 2 feet of snow in a matter of 24 hours.  And they are a tremendous time of community- people coming together to help each other.  What a lovely thing to see in a world focused so much on individual needs.

Snow days are also a wonderful time to really look at what matters…to slow down and evaluate how we are doing with connection, how we normally fill our days, and how we might adjust our schedule to create more down time.

So, snow days can be incredibly inconvenient since most of us count on school being the place for our children and we all have full schedules and lives.  And, they can give us a chance to slow down and take in connection with family and community…to really see what matters.

If you haven’t been granted a snow day by Mother Nature, perhaps you might want to create one for your own wellbeing and for the wellbeing of your children, and you might even be able to avoid a sore back from shoveling.

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